Are you looking for like-minded progressives to "roll" with in Boston? Want to cross-promote your events and campaigns in bowling shoes? Are you new to the area and looking for groups to get involved in? Are you psyched about building strong cross-issue coalitions on the lanes?
Join Socializing for Justice at Lanes & Games* for Bowling for Justice (10 pin this time) - Friday, February 16th @ 6:30 PM
No program. No speaker. Just arrive and enjoy yourself.
RSVP (greatly appreciated!) at
At SoJust events you can hang out with friends, make new ones, find a date, get the scoop on a job, and find out what's going on this weekend - political or social. And the best part is that SoJust members share your vision of building a more just world. Read about our last big event.
*Lanes & Games is by the Alewife T station. Directions and a carpool thread available at Bowling & group fees: $14.25 includes 2 games + shoes *You pay for what you play*
Socializing for Justice(TM) is for feminists, anti-racists, queer pioneers, genderbenders, environmental agitators, class activists and all people across Greater Boston working for justice in our neighborhoods, in our nation and beyond. We're putting the SOCIAL back in SOCIAL JUSTICE. If you think this group MIGHT be for you - IT IS.
SoJust strives to have diversity based on age, race, gender, sexual orientation, level of activism and profession - we hope everyone who attends sees someone like themselves and meets someone they otherwise wouldn't have.
Events are held twice a month and are focused on giving attendees a chance to meet each other and find connections. Event attendance has ranged from a dozen to over 120 members and newcomers.
Members can view and post events, job & volunteer announcements, roommate searches, print & on-line resources on the 'Message Board' at and are encouraged to suggest and co-host events.Official Website:
Added by Socializing4Justice on February 6, 2007