The AJ Alumni, in association with the "I Dream of Trina Colon Cancer Awareness Project" will combine forces to bring awareness to this preventable disease. If you or someone you know has been affected by colon cancer please let us know!!!About us:The mission of the AJ Alumni Association is to encourage interaction between the Andrew Jackson alumni community and current Campus Magnet students, faculty, and administrators. Our goal is to facilitate the interaction and networking between alumni and current students through various activities and community service projects. While serving as mentors, we also intend to assist with the financial obligations needed to pursue higher education. If you have an important event, cause, or community service project and you need our support, please let us know!About Trina:Trina was a daughter, mother, sister, friend, police officer and so much more. She was Bold! Brave! and Beautiful! Trina was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and passed away at the age of 36 after being sick for only 30 days and 14 years before the suggested age of testing. There are little or no symptoms for colon cancer, so we must become familiar with this disease and take action!!Please join the AJ Alumni and friends of Trina as we Bowl for Colon Cancer Awareness and bring volume to this SILENT killer. A portion of the proceeds will be donated in Trina's name to aid in the fight against this disease.
Did you know that Colon Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, accounting for about 20 percent of all cancer deaths. This year alone, more than 131,000 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer, and 56,000 will die from it. Colon cancer is also one of the most curable types of cancer if it is diagnosed early. When detected at its earliest stages, chances for a cure are as high as 90 percent. We are extremely excited about raising funds in honor of Trina's memory. Our mission is toaid inresearch to improve screening, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer.
Ticket Info: - Bowling for Colon Cancer Awareness (2 Games, Shoes and Grand Prize Raffle for 32inch Flat Screen), $20.99
- In Kind Donation, Free
Official Website: http://bowlforcoloncancer-upcoming.eventbrite.com