131 Columbus Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29403

Join your friends on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm for Bowling & Beer - an evening of fun at The Alley, the coolest bowling spot in Charleston! Don't miss this happy hour event to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of CYDC, the local affiliate of the national mentoring organization that pairs Lowcountry children from single parent households with adult role models. In addition to bowling and beer, there will also be food specials!

Tickets are just $10 to $20 dollars per person. To buy your tickets, visit http://www.bit.ly/Bowling_Beer. Get your tickets today! Space is limited.

Official Website: http://becomeabig.org/blog/ai1ec_event/bowling-and-beer-2013/?instance_id=931

Added by CYDC Charleston on March 27, 2013

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