Bothan meets again this Saturday (12th January 2008) at 8.30pm in the Scottish Storytelling Centre, High Street, Edinburgh, when popular singer Alasdair Whyte (Mull) who won the Mod Gold Medal in Dunoon in 2006 will entertain the company, along with usual musicians. Please come along and enjoy the music, songs and crack and catch up with news from the Gaelic world. The evening’s entertainment will only cost £3 – a real bargain at today’s prices!
Hope to see you on Saturday evening. Bothan evenings will resume each month of the new year. Unfortunately, the Meadow Bar is not available to us on the monthly dates required, and for this first night of the year we return to the venue comforts of the Scottish Storytelling Centre.
Added by siliconglen on January 5, 2008