8 Mondays, January 26, Feb. 2, Feb. 9, Feb. 16, Feb. 23, March 2, March 9, & March 16, 6-8 p.m. This class provides an overview of basic plant biology, including structure, development, transpiration, photosynthesis and plant chemistry. Students will gain essential knowledge for acquiring high-level pruning skills, for designing gardens based on specific plant requirements of the Rocky Mountain region, and for understanding interactions between plants and their microenvironments. The required text, Botany for Gardeners, is available for purchase in the Gardens Gift Shop. Cost:$208.00 (Member) / $218.00 (Member day of class) / $250.00 (Non Member) / $260.00 (Non Member day of class)
Added by Upcoming Robot on March 13, 2009