145 Ipswich Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Important! If you post media from this event, please tag it with


. If you Twitter from there, or about there tonight, please use hash tag


A band of notorious Twitter peeps from all over the US, most notoriously, @pprLisa, @FabGirl, @jayhmt, @akamonty and @JamiMiami will be descending on Boston in November for a night of fun and general mayhem.

If you planning on coming or seriously thinking about it, PLEASE RSVP on this page. (thanks, Lisa Dilg (@pprlisa))

If you'd like to join in the festivities, we'll be meeting starting at 7pm on the 3rd floor at Jillian's, which is near Fenway Park and lots of other night life.

Contact Lisa Dilg at 313.399.0892
email: l_dilg@yahoo.com
Twitter: @pprlisa

Thanks to Eric Guerin of SmartMarketMovie for generously donating his expert graphic skills to designing our logo.

irst, thanks to Eric Guerin of SmartMarketMovie we have an awesome logo for the party! He donated his amazing graphic design skills to help us out! Please thank him @eric_guerin.

Update - Oct 16, 2008

From: Lisa Dilg (@pprlisa)

Hey everyone,

Plans are still on for BOSup! 2008. We have over 75 people interested in the event and expect to get more as we get closer. Lisa will be sending out some updates this weekend, but we just wanted to remind you of the date – Nov. 8, 7:00 pm at Jillian’s – and let you know we are working on some schwag for the event.

If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas, please email Lisa at l_dilg@yahoo.com, call her at 313.399.0892 or DM her @pprlisa. Also, if you want hotel information on what hotel out of towners (and the “I don’t want to drive home after-ers” are staying at, please let Lisa know this as well.

Update 10/28/2008

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Mike Volpe (@mvolpe) of HubSpot for sponsoring this tweetup. Thanks to Mike and HubSpot, the first 60 attendees will get an official BOSup! 2008 T-shirt! Also, Mike and HubSpot will be providing appetizers for the party as well. Please show your thanks and support to HubSpot by visiting them at www.hubspot.com and make sure you follow @mvolpe and say thank you!

Again, please thank @eric_guerin for his work on our logo, and visit his company at http://www.smartmarketmovie.com/

If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas, please email Lisa at l_dilg@yahoo.com, call her at 313.399.0892 or DM her @pprlisa.

See you there!!

Added by joec0914 on August 27, 2008



Boston is not ready for this :) But i'll sure as hell be there to enjoy the fun!

kionee aka nick


Boston doesn't even stand a chance. I'm psyched!


First of all - how lame that we must login and all that.

Second, believe me, Boston is ready. If we could handle the HOW conference in May, we can handle the tweeps. :)


OK I am planning on this as long as I can arrange babysitter "stuff". This should be fun!


I can't wait. Never been to Boston so I'm looking forward to not only seeing a new city but to meet some cool fun people! Watch out Boston, Miami is in the house!



I'm going to be there with bells on. Well, maybe not, but perhaps my jaunty summer hat. Just you wait... :-)



Oh yeah, I'll be there!



I wanna go - but since I'm coming down to Boston in October for the BlogHer Reachout tour, I really doubt I'll be able to do it again in November :(


Sounds like fun - I'll be there! I'll just have turned 28 on the 4th so I'll be ready to PARtay.


I'll be there with bells on...


Amazingly, it looks like I'll be in town.


looks like @brett and @askfrasco will have to rent a car and join in!


So excited, I'm GOING!!! @giggey


Groan - Bar Mitzvah in Birmingham stands no chance at comparable fun :(


Dudes--the governor gave me a reprieve and will let me cross the MA state line. See you there!

It will be EPIC....

Ari Herzog

Bring the Birmingham Bar Mitzvah Boy to Boston, Adam!


Great to be part of this group! Looking forward to it!


Ari - looks like the wandering Jews will be in Boston and not in Birmingham after all :). See you


Adam - so you'll be coming?? v. cool!!




I'll represent Boston. (But not ALL of Boston..lol)
Jennifer Goodwin - CEO

Steph Trussell

@strussell will do her best to be there!


First Boston Tweetup, I'll be there...
~ @akarlin


@WayneNH will be there and looking forward to meeting so many of you that I've tweeted with!

Ben Grossman

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Should be a ball!


PhillyMac will be in the house!


In! It'll be good to see everyone for the first time since, well, you know.


Sounds interesting. I'll be visiting from the other Bay Area - the San Francisco one, and might turn up.

-- @bluesmoon

MIke Volpe

I am excited to see everyone! @mvolpe



Wherever tech and drinks collide, I'm there. :)



I might be able to attend after all.



I can't contain the excitement! My face just fell off...


Gonna try to make it out! See ya soon! -@alexa


If Eric went through the trouble of making a cool logo, I can go through the trouble of... having a drink or two. Signs look good that I'll make it!



Sounds Awsome, will be there

Steve Jobs

Everyone seems excited for this, but why all the hoopla? Isn't this simply a group of Twitter users gathering, having a drink and perhaps a smoke?


lmdilg - And then there were none, sorry. When your 90 year old grandma says she's wants to see you and her great grandson ...
I'll see you all for BosUp 09!


Still hoping I can make it in for this. Depends on if my wife is feeling better or not. Sick as a dog at the moment.


I'll be there.

Liz Page

It's almost time! SO PSYCHED! w000000t!



I look forward to meeting everyone!



@onstartups (the geeky dude behind Twitter Grader) will be there looking for ideas on new Progress Quips to add to the app (these are those messages that show up when you're waiting for Twitter Grader to generate your grade).

Oh, and I want to meet some people too.


Will try to be there, but a bit after 7:00 when hubby gets home from work. I was pregnant during the last TweetUp I went to so I'm looking forward to a true night out!



I'll be there. Excited for my first tweet up!



Looking forward to Bos'ingUp with the BOStweeps!


Have fun for me!
