BostonEco Tweetup is a free social networking event for anyone who is passionate about eco-living. It is a meeting of the minds, and an opportunity to connect with other Bostonians who live and work in the green world. Come learn what’s happening in the Boston and global green scene.
It is time to celebrate the season and get into the spirit of Halloween with hauntingly good organic drinks and seasonal foods. And you may win a spooktacular giveaway prize including a $50 OM Restaurant gift certificate, a copy of "Green Chic: Saving the Earth in Style" book, or other treats.
This is an open event so please feel free to bring your eco-minded friends and colleagues. No Twitter experience is required, but if you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #BostonEco.
Official Website:
Added by janetplanet2 on October 21, 2009