279a Newbury Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

Come celebrate the green movement that's furthering Earth Day's mission and the growing interest in a healthy, sustainable way of life.

Enjoy free appetizers made from organic ingredients and Earth Day inspired cocktails (cash bar). And you might just win one of the prized giveaways from Boston area earth-friendly businesses.

BostonEco Tweetup is a free professional, social networking event for anyone who is passionate about eco-living. It's an opportunity to connect with other Bostonians who live and work in the green world. Come learn what's happening in Boston and the global green scene. Be inspired, discover new ideas, find collaborators.

This is an open event so please feel free to invite your eco-minded friends and colleagues. (No Twitter experience is required, seriously.)

For more info and to register, check out http://bit.ly/BostnEcoEarthDay

Added by janetplanet2 on April 12, 2010

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