Swap-o-Rama-Rama and the Garment District invite you to...
Boston Swap-o-Rama-Rama Summer 2006
June 10th, 12-4 pm
45 Mt. Auburn St
Cambridge, MA
The Boston Summer 2006 Swap-o-Rama-Rama is a chance to clear out your closet and jewelry box and swap it all in for someone else's treasures. Bring a bag of wearable (you know, perfectly good things that you just never seem to put on) garments and accessories. Take home a couple choice finds - or as much as you can carry!
Men, Women, Boys, Girls, anyone in between...
**** Not only that ******
We'll provide DIY stations with sewing machines, artists, and supplies where you can alter, repair and embellish your new finds.
$5 entrance
If you'd like to volunteer at the event (first pick at clothes! homemade cookies! free entrance!) please EMAIL us!
More info:
Official Website: http://www.swaporamarama.org/bostonswap.htm
Added by twirl2 on May 28, 2006