Saturday, February 23rd. 1pm.
Faneuil Hall in front of the Sam Adams Statue
Following in the success of the Flash Mob Pillow Fight….Banditos Misteriosos is proud to announce the First Boston Silent Dance Experiment!
Now, a silent dance party involves a large group of people assembling at a given area on a pre-decided time. They mill around inconspicuously, and at the signal (in our case, an airhorn), insert their headphones into their ears, hit play on their portable music player and start dancing as passersbys confusingly look on as a swarm of people dance in silence.
They have been hosted in multiple cities over the world, such as London ( and Sydney ( and now we’re bringing it to Boston…but in our own unique way.
The exciting part is that we’re taking it a bit further this time. Instead of simply having everyone playing one song, we’re going to be creating our own MP3 complete with not only grooves, but with instructions and activities interwoven. Participants will then download this song, place it their music player and dance fully synchronized.
Hence the “experiment”!
If you want an idea of what it will sort of be like, check out Improv Everywhere’s similar event:
Necessary Info:
Time: 1:00PM. At the sound of the airhorn.
Date: Saturday, February 23rd
Location: Faneuil Hall, in front of the Sam Adams Statue
Exact Location/Map-->
Outfit: Whatever you enjoy wearing when you go out for a dance on the town. Be fancy if you like. Try to sport a pair of sunglasses if you can…
Song: The MP3 will be uploaded to our website on Sunday, February 17th. It can be reached via
So spread the word. Tell your friends. Bear the cold. It will be worth it.
P.S. If you want, start spreading this flyer around!
** This event depends on being synchronized, so please do try to show up early, at least 10 minutes before 1pm!
**Again, the official song will be uploaded on Sunday, February 17th.
Official Website:
Added by blat022 on February 7, 2008