This is one seriously disorganized, utterly chaotic, totally last minute red-felt rampage! Get yer megaphone wieldin’, spray-snow taggin’, Pine Sol chuggin’ ass in a Santa suit and show up!
Here's the latest from Santa!
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What? Where? When?
Every December for the last 14 years, cacophonous Santas have rampaged through cities around the world, engaging in a bit of Santarchy as part of annual Santacon events. It started back in 1994 when several dozen cheap suit Santas paid a visit to downtown San Francisco for a night of Kringle Kaos. Things have since reached Critical Xmas and Santarchy is now a global phenomenon. You'd better watch out! Santa's coming to town!
This year Boston Santacon starts at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, meeting at 1:00 PM at the east plaza between the North and South Markets. From there Santa starts a-boozin! Then Santa marches on Beacon Hill (around 4:00?), parades through the Common and down Charles Street, rides the Redline to Harvard Square (6:00?), and finally falls down somewhere in Davis Square (9:00?).
• Here’s a Google Map of where Santa thinks he’ll be and when:,-71.058948&spn=0.008102,0.016909&z=16&om=0&iwloc=00044187c89110780a53a
• Here’s a link to Twitter. Sign up and follow Santa!
• Here’s a link to get more info about Santacon in other cities:
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What should santa bring?
1. Flannel: Bring a costume! Any costume! Santa costume’s great, or get clever and creative and come in something else!
2. Flask: Waiting for a drink can sometimes take a while. Pack your own to keep Santa happy in the meanwhile and on the route (and keep your bar tabs low!).
3. Funds: Bring cash for booze, subway, taxis, and tips! SANTA LEAVES A TIP!!!
4. Fun: Does this need explanation?
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“There’s rules?” you ask. Well, there more like guidelines. Keep these in mind to help keep Santacon fun for EVERYONE (not just you).
--> The 4 F’s of Santacon:
--> Don’t fuck with kids: Santa’s here to spread cheer. Growing up in this culture is scarring enough. Please don’t make it any worse.
--> Don’t fuck with cops: They keep drunks like us safe. And they’ll arrest you, no matter what you’re wearing. That’s not fun.
--> Don’t fuck with security: Don’t steal. Don’t vandalize. Security will tell the cops it was the guy dressed like Santa. And that’s all of us.
--> Don’t fuck with Santa: We’re all here to have a good time. Can we focus on that?
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Get details as they come (and come and come) by emailing You can call or text Santa at (206) 769-2092, but the best way to follow Santa is to follow him through Twitter (
This will still be totally last minute, completely disorganized and thoroughly chaotic all the way through Saturday. Santa HOPES he'll stay on schedule, the only way to really know where Santa is at any given moment is to ask him!
Added by BostonSanta on December 14, 2007