We're going to create a small Merb app at Tuesday night's hackfest.
It's purpose is to facilitate Boston Rubyists getting together to
practice our craft in small numbers, termed a "Code Kata" by author of
The Pickaxe, Dave Thomas (http://codekata.pragprog.com/).
We'll be using Merb with ActiveRecord and erb. Jeremy Durham is
generously providing hosting. We're starting with a schema of:
- id
- name
- email
- id
- subject ("Looking for help on TDD")
- description
- meeting_type (Skype, phone, in-person)
- start_at
- address_id
- kata_id
- user_id
- kata_id
- id
- name ("Starbucks on Boylston")
- full_address
- directions
Read up on Merb at http://www.rubyinside.com/merb-tutorials-and-resources-716.html
and see you Tuesday night at the usual place and time!
Official Website: http://groups.google.com/group/boston-rubygroup/browse_thread/thread/9855fc383a6b765b
Added by technicalpickles on February 18, 2008