60 Canal Street, 4th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Boston Plone Meetup, Thu Aug 24, 2006, 7:00 PM (RSVP stats: 7 yes, 2 maybe, 3 no)

Join us in a mini-sprint to implement some of the features and functionality for our not-officially-launched http://www.bostonplone.org/ web site. Some of these features include:

1. Creating the BostonPloneStyle Plone skin using the DIYPloneStyle product.
2. Installing the Poi issue tracker.
3. Configuring a mailing list using the listen product.
4. Customizing member profiles using CMFMember, membrane,
or remember.

This is a great chance to get your hands dirty with Plone, ask questions of more experienced Plone developers, and contribute to making a great resource for the Boston Plone users community. For a full list of items we will work on, see the http://www.bostonplone.org/ website. If you arrive late, and need to get into the building, please call me at 781-254-3422 (Sid Koul, Assistant Organizer).

About the Boston Plone User Group:
Do you work with Plone? Do you want to know more about Plone, Zope, and Python? Come and meet other Plone users and developers at the Boston Plone users group. We gather monthly to talk about how we are using Plone, share knowledge and give demonstrations of cool Plone products. All skill levels are welcome!



What: Boston Plone August Meetup
When: Thu, August 24, 2006, 7:00 PM
Where: Optaros, 60 Canal Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02114
Map: http://tinyurl.com/z32bu [google maps]
RSVP: http://plone.meetup.com/1/events/5034296/

Please RSVP at the meetup.org site; even if you don't intend on coming. It helps us for planning purposes. Currently the RSVP responses are: 7 yes, 2 maybe, 3 no.

Official Website: http://plone.meetup.com/1/events/5034296/

Added by sidkoul on August 17, 2006

Interested 1