For more info see the Boston Plone Meetup page.
Do you work with Plone?
Do you want to know more about Plone, Zope, and Python?
Come and meet other Plone users and developers at the kickoff meeting
for the Boston Plone users group. We will gather monthly to talk about
how we are using Plone, share knowledge and give demonstrations of
cool Plone products. All skill levels are welcome!
Topic: A summary of the Vienna Plone Conference. Come and find out
what's new and cool in the Plonosphere! If there's time, we will also
demonstrate the new features of Plone 2.1. If you have specific topics
that you'd like to discuss, please post them in the
discussion forum.
About Plone: Plone is a powerful open-source content management system
that makes it easy to build websites. It is built on top of the Zope
application server. See for more details.
Added by Hybernaut on October 25, 2005