We’d like to invite you to the kick-off meeting for the Boston area grow-out on Monday, March 9 from 4-6 pm, where grower and chef participants will connect with one another to establish and confirm their roles in the 2009 Grow-Out. Other members of your local food community will also be on hand to help brainstorm outreach and promotion plans for this project.
We will distribute up to 16 varieties of heirloom seeds (donated by Fedco Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, and Old Sturbridge Village)—including the Trophy tomato from Newport, Rhode Island and the Boston Marrow squash from Salem, Massachusetts—for this project to growers at the meeting.
Chefs Collaborative and the RAFT partners have joined together to identify, restore, and celebrate American agricultural biodiversity and place-based food traditions. Through the Grow-Out, we will help to rebuild the markets for produce varieties that grow well in New England and are linked to our agricultural and culinary heritage. For information on this event, please contact Elizabeth Kennedy at elizabeth@chefscollaborative.org.
Official Website: http://www.chefscollaborative.org
Added by ChefsCollaborative on February 18, 2009