10 Juniper Rd
Belmont, Massachusetts 02478

Join us for a day of natural and cultural history, exploring the Boston Harbor Islands by boat. First, we will stop at Little Brewster Island for a tour of Boston Light, the first and oldest lighthouse station in the country and the last light station to be staffed by a US Coast Guard light keeper. Then off to Peddocks Island, which at 184 acres is one of the largest, most diverse islands in the harbor, with a wide range of natural beauty as well as the ruins of Fort Andrews. Elissa Landre was a co-author of the orginal harbor island park plan. Roger Wrubel has led several excurions to the Boston Harbor Islands. Registration is required. Call 617-489-5050 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=1396-HA11SP1 for more information.

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