5 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

We're happy to annouce our next Drupaltherapy training in Boston, MA. This training will take place on Friday, May 29, 2009, from 8:30AM to 5:30PM at the Boston Center for Adult Education.

Sean Effel (that's me) of Drupaltherapy has been providing training in the use and customization of the Drupal framework with keen interest in helping new users overcome Drupal's learning stumbling blocks. New and old Drupal users alike will benefit from this broad overview which includes installation, configuration, core functions, contributed modules, themeing, and a dose of Drupal stunt driving. Read more about the curriculum.

This workshop aims to provide quality Drupal instruction in a price bracket that individuals, non-profits and small businesses can afford. Preregistration is required and encouraged since these classes fill up very quickly. Follow this link to register.

Official Website: http://drupaltherapy.com/node/199

Added by drupal therapy on April 15, 2009