57 Post Street
San Francisco, California 94104

Psychologist and UC Berkeley Professor Dacher Keltner examines the links between science, emotion, and human goodness in Born to Be Good : the Science of a Meaningful Life. Why do we smile? Laugh? Feel goose-bumps? And how are these things related to human empathy and compassion? Kelter's groundbreaking "jen" science (inspired by Confucianism), seeks to tie all these variables together, and provide an answer to the question, of what "goodness" is, and how can it be brought out in people.

Members Free; Public $12

For reservations call 415-393-0100
or email at rsvp@milibrary.org

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of PamelaTroy.

Added by Pamela Troy on December 29, 2008

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