The radicals, eccentrics, and misfits behind America's most prodigious (and least-remembered) mail-order publishing empire.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 15, at 6:30 pm
WHERE: Power Plant Reading Room, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto
Attention bibliophile obscurists: next week, Monkey's Paw proprietor Stephen Fowler will present a 30-minute show 'n' tell on the subject of the once-famous Little Blue Books (and other pamphlets) published by the Haldeman-Julius Company of Girard, Kansas.
These uniform staplebound oddities -- which visitors to the Monkey's Paw will likely have noticed, pinned in tidy rows on the shop's wall displays -- constituted some of the most widely-disseminated printed culture of the 1920s, '30s, and '40s. The pamphlets' subject matter ranged from the mundane to the bizarre, and their authors were
equally colourful and diverse. Fowler, who is a devoted scholar, collector, and dealer of Haldeman-Julius material, will share his considerable enthusiasm for the subject, and display a variety of uncommon and revealing Haldeman-Julius publications from his rarely-seen private collection.
Official Website: http://cakeworthy.blogspot.com/2008/09/born-out-of-pleasure-special-events.html
Added by julian on October 10, 2008