"Effective cash planning for Bootstrappers" Richard Kadet guest at Bootstrappers Breakfast.
Cash flow management and taking into account assets and resources is a challenge for all businesses. Rick Kadet of The Brenner Group, Inc will be our guest at the Bootstrapppers Breakfast meeting, Tuesday, June 15 to discuss Effective Cash Flow Financial Strategies for early stage entrepreneurs. Rick will provide a short 3-5 minute introduction to set the stage for our round the table discussion.
Rick is Vice President and Senior CFO Management Consultant with The Brenner Group, Inc., where, since 1998, he has engaged with over 60 valley firms as part-time CFO or financial advisor. Rick works with client firms on executive staff level financial management, financial reporting to boards of directors, financial and business planning, raising venture and debt capital, facilities, business infrastructure, business systems and risk management.
Prior experience to The Brenner Group includes CFO and operational positions at Versant Corporation, a data base software firm for whom Rick managed its 1996 IPO; InfoSpan Corporation, an information management software firm where he was acting CEO for one year, Cadre Technologies, Inc. a software tools company and Sarama Industries, an electrical products manufacturer. Rick began his career with General Electric Company, and graduated from GE's three-year Financial Management Training Program. Rick is a graduate of Arizona State University.
Bootstrappers Breakfast meetings bring together leading edge entrepreneurs are serious about growing their business. Compare notes on operational, development, and business issues with peers. Have some questions ready and join us for the lively discussion. Share your ideas and leverage thoughts with other professionals.
* Learn from Others Mistakes
* Brainstorm with Peers
* Find Partners
* Small Group Atmosphere
* Serious Conversation
Official Website: http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com
Added by FullCalendar on June 6, 2010