11 PM -- JOHN!JOHN! & the WAGONISTAS present:
THE DONNER PARTY - http://www.facebook.com/oooJOHNJOHNooo
A pioneer history lesson / stage show / DJ dance set
Resident Bootie DJs:
ADRIAN & MYSTERIOUS D - http://www.aplusd.net
Special guest:
DJ TRIPP - http://www.bass211.com
Upstairs room:
BRASS TAX DJs - http://brasstax.samo.org
and DJ NISUS (Blasthaus, The Projects) - http://www.myspace.com/djnisus
Opening DJ: DADA
Sponsored by CABULOUS! -- http://cabulous.com
The fastest way to get to Bootie and back. Hail and track taxis with free iPhone app!
FREE 10-track Bootie mashup CD to the first 100 people through the door!
21+ w/ID, $6 before 10pm, $12 after
At 11 PM, John!John! & the Wagonistas present "The Donner Party," a 30-minute hybrid stage show-meets-DJ dance set, re-enacting the plight of the ill-fated California pioneers who resorted to cannibalism to survive when they became trapped in the mountains during the winter of 1846/47. It's a grim history lesson ... that you can dance to! In the upstairs room, the Brass Tax DJs -- who've long held down First Fridays at Amnesia -- take over with a dirty combination of breaks, electro, d'n'b, and hip-hop. DJ Nisus from Blasthaus and The Projects joins in.
Launched in 2003 in San Francisco by DJs Adrian & Mysterious D, Bootie was the first club night in the United States dedicated solely to the burgeoning artform of the bootleg mashup -- and is now the biggest mashup event in the world, with regular parties in eight cities on three continents. Mixing and matching every conceivable musical genre, era, and style into one big dance party where everyone feels welcome, Bootie provides the soundtrack for the A.D.D. generation -- with free mashup CDs given away like candy!
Official Website: http://bootieSF.com
Added by BootieSF on February 24, 2010
Pioneer history Lesson (with a dark side) done -- while you can watch AND dance!