1348 14th Street
Santa Monica, California CA

Was it just me, or was the city a freaking ghost town on the 4th? It was a weird night in L.A. It seemed like there was no one on the road at all. And no one out and about. Where were you? Ya missed a great fucking gig. Do NOT tell me sucking on weenies and relish was more important than having a really good time watching live music with a bunch of really hot chicks. (And FYI, Rayko's Dig Jelly crowd brought in a bunch of really hot chicks, you losers.)

The night rode in hot and humid with the greasy swampy sounds of Alfajerk. Man, if ever my existence takes a turn down the Deliverance River of Life, I want this band in the canoe to help fend off the evil inbred banjos. And was that a Henny Youngman reference I heard in one of those songs? Kudos to a band that even knows the name Henny Youngman.

Deputy Zero was one of the night's pleasant surprises providing a slightly psychedelic rockin' alt groove that grabbed my by the serotonin and synapses. The only thing that would have made their performance better would have been a little sumpin'-sumpin' from Mendo or Humbolt.

Thirty Round Clip was sporting the Convict Style, with Ivan looking really stylie in a dark Euro-gansta fashion. Not to mention that he always looks like the cat that ate the canary. What's up with that Ivan? Plus we learned how Boom earned his name, breaking his kick a couple songs into the set. But ya know, that's show biz baby. And TRC managed to deliver, duct tape and all.

Dig Jelly was manga porn in 3-D. Rayko is super cute and fucking nasty all at the same time. Which had me between extremes of gaping and laughing. Shock and awesome.

Ah, but if the bands were a fireworks display then the grand finale was Hiss of Atrocities. Motherfuckers raised the dead! And managed to get the crowd off their asses and moshing. What the fuck is that thing the singer does with his head? It's like Linda Blair in the exorcist only much, much better. If he told me my mother sucks cocks in hell, I think I'd believe it. Crazy shit. These monsters are masters of metal madness and they were the perfect night cap. My mojo was going enough to want to howl and drink blood --and I'm vegetarian!

So, suckers what's it gonna be next time? Are you gonna sit around whining about the price of gas and the collapse of the housing market on August 1, or are you gonna pile your asses into an anarchy wagon (that's goddess speak for carpool) and blast your way through the gates of, well you know? Boom Bash 5. 14 Below.
Be there.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of clvngodess.

Added by clvngodess on July 16, 2008