By Peter Sinn Nachtrieb. Directed by John Vreeke. Featuring Aubrey Deeker, Kimberly Gilbert, Sarah Marshall.
“Sex to change the course of the world…” A grad student’s personal ad lures a randy journalism coed to his subterranean lab, where he studies fish sleep cycles for signs of the apocalypse. Will their “intensely significant coupling” lead to another big bang, or is mankind’s fate in the hands of someone watching from outside the fishbowl? “SEX! PLANET-RUINING CATACLYSMS! LOADS OF BOOZE! 'Boom' has all of these things.” – Variety
Pay-What-You-Can: Nov 3 & 4 at 8pm. Tickets sold 6:30pm each evening, two per person, cash/check.
Wed-Sat 8pm, Sun 2 &7pm.
Official Website:
Added by woollymammoththeatre on September 30, 2008