1972 Broadway (at 66th)
New York, New York 10023

The Catalan Institute of America and the Open Catalonia Foundation are holding an event at the Barnes & Noble’s store at the Lincoln Center in New York on Sunday April 20th to celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day and the tradition of "Sant Jordi", with the participation of UNESCO.
As stated in UNESCO’s website, the idea for this celebration originated in Catalonia where on April 23rd, Saint George's Day ("Sant Jordi"), a rose is traditionally given as a gift for each book sold (http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=5125&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html). Indeed, April 23rd was designated by UNESCO (1996) to be the World Book and Copyright Day.
The central part of the event is a panel of distinguished speakers: Ms Rochelle Roca Hachem, UNESCO Office in New York and Mr. Alfons Lopez Tena, Secretary of State, member of Spain's General Council of the Judicial Power
In addition:

- Books and roses will be exchanged and given away to attendants. Over 200 books related to Catalonia and the Catalan culture will be available free of charge.

- Albert Carbonell has arranged a special concert featuring "El Cant dels Ocells", the famous piece that Pau Casals played at the United Nations in an emotional appearance in 1971. It will be performed by cellist Analissa Cecilia Martinez

- Pastissier chef Josep Pujol will prepare an exquisite Catalan brunch which will be accompanied with assorted delicacies.

- Master pastissier and artist Jordi Ferrer will elaborate chocolate rose creations specially for the event, which will be distributed among attendants - He will also delight us with a special surprise
This a Free Admission event. Everybody is welcome.

PLEASE, RSVP: rsvp@friendsofcatalonia.com

Official Website: http://www.friendsofcatalonia.com

Added by albertcarbonell on April 18, 2008