251 South Olive Street,
Los Angeles, California 91302

Event Details:
March 11-14, 2010
Guests of Honor: Lee Child & Jan BurkeFan Guest of Honor: Janet RudolphToastmaster: Bill Fitzhugh

Hotel Reservations:
1. Please call (after January 1, 2009).
2. Mention Left Coast Crime Event for discount rate.
Omni Hotel
251 South Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA. 91302
PHONE (213) 617 - 3300
FAX (213) 617-3399
Cancellation Policy:
Registration fee after 12/31/08 has not been established at this time. $150 will be refunded if registration cancellation is received before 9/15/09, a $90 refund if received between 9/16/09 1/15/10, and no refund if cancelled thereafter. An online payment process is available right now, subject to a PayPal processing charge. Go to HYPERLINK "http://www.leftcoastcrime.org" www.leftcoastcrime.org for further information.

Organized by LeftCoastCrime.org
For specific questions, please visit us at leftcoastcrime.org. View our Committee page in order to
contact one of our subcommittees. For all other questions please send
your email to psa@aniklaw.com

Ticket Info:  2009 Registration, $205.00

Official Website: http://bookedinla-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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