3029 SE 21st, Portland, OR 97202
Portland, Oregon 97202

Join Us at People's Co-op
For an Upcoming Book Study on
David Korten's new book
Agenda for a New Economy:
From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth,
Why Wall Street Can't be Fixed and How to Replace It
Four Saturdays: April 11, 18, 25 and May 2 at 9:00 - 11:00 AM
People's Co-op Community Room
3029 SE 21st Ave.
In his brilliant new book, David Korten, international best selling author of When Corporations Rule the
World and The Great Turning from Empire to Earth Community, outlines an agenda to free the real
wealth and entrepreneurial energies of Main Street from Wall Street's deadly grip and bring into
being a new economy - locally based, community oriented and devoted to creating a better life
for all. This book study is in preparation for Korten's Portland presentation, Saturday, May 30, 7:00 -
9:00 at the First Congregational Church. (see other side of flyer for more information)
To register call Marcia Meyers 503-665-3957 or contact Jared at jared@equitydesign.com
Registration $5-$15 no one turned away for lack of funds.

Official Website: http://realwealthpdx.com

Added by future now on April 2, 2009