4650 Ladson Road, Suite I
Summerville, South Carolina 29485

Local author, Mary Elizabeth Reynolds will be at Here Be Books, Saturday, August 23 from 1pm to 3pm to chat with readers and sign her book, Diary of a Ghost.

About Diary of a Ghost:
After losing her lover to suicide, Samantha, the heroine of the story, sinks into a terrible depression relieved only when she begins transcribing the war journals of a Union soldier. The dead journalist, Josiah, appears to Samantha as a ghost and takes her back in time to visit the battles and places he experienced while a Union soldier. Samantha’s ghostly journeys have a cost, though: the more she delves into this fascinating spirit world of the past, the further she drifts from reality. Can Sean, the young Charleston lawyer who loves her, save Samantha from herself at the risk of losing himself?
Diary of a Ghost is based on the authenticated Civil War diaries of New Jersey soldier Eugene Forbes, that were transcribed by the author. Set in Charleston, South Carolina, every place the ghost and Samantha travel to, through time, are the same places where Eugene Forbes fought and endured.
You can learn more about Eugene, the diaries, and the inspiration for Diary of a Ghost at the author’s website:www.ereynolds.net.

Here Be Books
4650 Ladson Road, Summerville
Phone: (843) 695-1498
Web site: www.herebebooks.com

Official Website: http://herebebooks.com/eventsBlog/

Added by herebebooks on July 5, 2008

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