This is a book signing for a relatively new author. BJ Myers is an Arizona native and has written 2 books that will both be showcased at this book signing. Her books, Justic Is Served and Justice Never Sleeps, are suspence thrillers that follow the adventures of Justus Carney and Detective Durango. Both books will be available to buy: Justice Is Served ($14.00), Justice Never Sleeps ($24.00), and if you buy both books ($34.00). Please bring cash if you are planning on buying either book.
This event is something that everyone can enjoy coming too!!
Bring your parent or grandparent to the bookstore and have them sign the author's guestbook and you will receive a free copy of the story The Trouble With Doodlebugs: a fun story about a school much like the one that you go to yourself..there's is one problem though,the book is missing pictures. If you come, you will get the chance to take the book home, draw your own pictures for each page and then send them to the author, BJ Myers. Your pictures may end up in the final copy of the book!!! All pictures, rather choosen for the book or not will be featured on the author's website.
Added by nautilusscribe1974 on August 6, 2009