Book Launch - The Laws of the Spirit World' by Khorshed Bhavnagri. Eminent choreographer Shiamak Davar will release the book. On February 22, 1980, Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri lost both their sons, Vispi and Ratoo, in a tragic car crash. The Bhavnagris' faith in God was shaken. With both their sons gone, they felt they had nothing to live for. They thought they would not survive for long. A month later, something miraculous happened. Through a medium, the Bhavnagris received a message from their deceased sons that they were happy and at peace in the spirit world. Over the next few months, Khorshed and Rumi, with the help of their sons, developed powers of complete concentration and relaxation which made direct communication between parents and their sons possible through a process known as Automatic Writing.Vispi and Ratoo thus conveyed to their parents a desire to dictate a book containing the laws of the spirit world, for which they had obtained special permission from higher souls. They thought it would be of considerable benefit to human beings to know the true laws of God and the spirit world, which, if followed, would help Earth souls advance spiritually. Through this book, and the life they led, the Bhavnagris prove that even though human beings might face an insurmountable amount of pain, if the desire for healing is genuine, something higher, more powerful awaits - an understanding of God's Laws and a transformation of the soul. If life is a journey then there is no doubt that Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri were two of its most inspiring travelers.About the author : Khorshed Bhavnagri nee Screwalla was born in Mumbai (Bombay), India, in 1925. Her childhood dream was to be a teacher, psychologist or detective. She loved gardening, cooking and music, especially the Hawaiian guitar, and she watched a lot of cricket. In 1949 she married Rumi Bhavnagri and had two sons, Vispi and Ratoo. She discovered that she shared her family's passion for automobiles and driving. After the death of her sons in a car crash in 1980, she started communicating with them through the process of Automatic Writing. Her sons told her that it was her mission to spread spiritual knowledge on Earth. In 1998, at the age of 72, she moved to Vancouver, Canada, where she continued to work tirelessly towards her mission, until her death in August 2007. It was Mrs. Bhavnagri's wish that this book reach as many people as possible.
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Added by buzzintown india on May 24, 2009