Spiritual Direction Ministriesis a California Nonprofit Corporation. The organization sponsors and facilitates monthly book club meetingswith a specific focus on spiritual formation. The book clubusuallymeet at the Playa Vista Clubhouse in Playa Vista, California. Book club meetings are facilitated by Dorothy James, a spiritual director/teacher, counselor and, soon to beauthor. Spiritual workshops, lectures and retreats are also a part of the group's formation practicums.
Come join us on March 28th(Saturday)forthe conclusion of our discussions and practicums for The Essential Enneagram as it relates to personal growth and development, love and money.Our meetings start withcentering meditation and mindful awareness; followed by a discussion of the book and the utilizationofconscious sharing; wemove on to a spiritual practicum relevant to a spiritual principle(s). We conclude with affirmation and meditation. All book club members and individuals of the public arewelcome.
http://www.bodhitree.com/event_march.html#20090328.0300-0500pm.42Organized by sisuic@aol.comSpiritual Direction Ministries is a California Nonprofit Corporation. Book Club Meetings are facilitated bySpiritual Director, Dorothy James. To learn more about our organization,or if you would like to join us, please visit our website at www.myinnerpath.com.
Ticket Info: Book Club Meeting at the Bodhi Tree Book Store, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/275752784/upcoming