1483 Alaskan Way
Seattle, Washington 98101

Tickets available now at http://bonzabash.com/upcoming

Yes, that's right folks - its Bonza Bash time again!

While the economy might be in in all kinds of strife at the moment, we refuse to let that get us down. Kick back, relax and get away from it all for a night out on the town at the Pacific Northwest's 5th Annual Black Tie Bonza Bash.

Once a year in the Aussie outback, there is thrown an enormous party. People bus/fly/chopper in from all over the world dressed in formal wear to party under the stars until dawn, and do it as only Aussies know how - in the most unlikely of places, and thousands of miles from home. If you were one of the 800+ people who attended our last event @ Seattle's EMP on 31st October 2008, you'll know the kind of event we're talking about.

Well it's that time of year again - time to kick it up a notch and do what we do best - put together the most amazing party in the Pacific Northwest ...

Come join hosts Dave McLauchlan and Brenton Webster as we celebrate our annual gala in style. Superb aquatic style, actually.

We had such a great time last year at the Seattle Aquarium that we've decided to return for this year's event. Only this time we're doing it bigger and better :)

This Bonza Bash will benefit the mission of the Seattle Aquarium, inspiring conservation of our marine environment! All proceeds will go to support the Aquarium's Puget Sound Six Gill Shark Research and Conservation effort. 100% of any amount you donate AND a significant chunk of your ticket price will go directly to support the marine conservation mission of the Seattle Aquarium Society! You can make donations at the same time you purchase your tickets (it's integrated and super easy to use). The Seattle Aquarium Society is a fantastic cause, and not donating is kind of like ordering "Nemo Sushi" at the Disney cafeteria -- just poor form, really. So come out, have a fabulous time and support one of the region's most worthy and impactful causes!

** Visit the Bonza Bash website to learn more about our BONZA VIP GOLD ticket offer - a truly "beaut" Bonza experience! **

Grab your tickets while you can at: http://bonzabash.com/upcoming

Official Website: http://bonzabash.com/

Added by brentonw on February 16, 2009



I had a wonderful time at the Halloween Bash. Even though the economy is not at its best, I am going to treat myself to this. Count me in!


This is gonna be a blast see you there!!!


Sounds like a great time. Count me and hubby in!


I always look foward to these... bonza bash here I come. I love aquariums and I also love being able to enjoy myself and help out a good cause at the same time.

See you there. *1


Count us in, always such a good time!


I really need to unwind,I think this event is just what I need. See you there. +4