Enjoy food, drinks, dance lessons (the Tango) from C. Christopher Roth and Steel City Ballroom and great music from La Bicicleta Blanca. Please buy your tickets early. Tickets $35. Must be 21 or over (party is geared towards young professionals but anyone can attend).
To buy tickets: Call 412-281-0912x213 or online at:
Limited free indoor parking and close free parking available.
Can't come to this event but are interested in attending La boheme and mingling with young professionals? At Opera Straight Up, Friday April 3rd, $35 gets you a really good ticket to the performance and after-party. Call 412-281-0912 x 216.
We are also collecting new or gently used clothes for Three Rivers Youth (but adult sizes) to benefit their homeless youth 18-21. We will accept them at the event as well as the performances of La boheme.
Official Website: http://www.pittsburghopera.org/files/file/Bohemian%20Rhapsody%20e-vite.pdf
Added by OperaAllison on March 16, 2009