Golden Gate Tweetup is hosting BODY HEAT II on Monday, December 14, 2009 from 12pm-1:15pm.
Bring your own workout partner or get physical with a fellow Twitter follower.
All attendees will receive:
- EA Sports Active giftbag
- Fiji Natural Artesian Water
- Other goodies from EA Sports Active sponsor partners
Transit and Parking Information for BODY HEAT II Tweetup:
- Detrain from Powell BART Station. Exit to Stockton/Ellis. Walk uphill on Stockton. EA Active on LEFT hand side.
- Park at Ellis/O'Farrell Garage on Ellis entrance. Walk uphill on Stockton. EA Active on LEFT hand side
About Golden Gate Tweetup:
Founded by a couple of social media activists, our mission is to harness the power of our Twitter networks to help the community at large. We produce Tweetup events as a platform to bridge online and offline community connections.
FOLLOW US via Twitter:
Stella Yu (@stellayu)
Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang)
Official Website:
Added by starfish_1 on December 11, 2009