301 Acacia Road
Vero Beach, Florida 32963

The course will teach basic seamanship, an understanding of navigational aids, items required to be on your boat, trailer and boat handling, the art of tying knots and much more. Professionally trained instructors utilizing the latest in enhanced, visual aids technology will make attendance a truly enjoyable learning experience. Those students who are 21 years old or younger and who successfully complete the course, will have met Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission requirements entitling them to receive a Florida State Boaters License.

Mark your calendar on Tuesdays in the evening from 7 to 9 PM.

Questions, comments, inquries call Dan 772-978-1701, Howard 772-978-9769 or Margaret 772-770-2855. Please feel free to visit our web at www.verobeachps.com

Official Website: http://www.verobeachps.com/

Added by scullybobg on June 22, 2009


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