Venue has been booked for the next boards beer - we've got the top floor of Messrs Maguire - it's undergoing redecoration at the moment so we should be the first to make use of the new decor!
Boards Beers are a great place to meet everyone you talk to online and have the craic over a pint. Everyone (of legal age) is welcome!
Find out how we got on in previous years at the Boards Beers wiki page
We'd like everyone who's going, even the regulars, to reply with attendence so that we have a rough idea of numbers. Please DO THIS! Thank you
Messrs Maguire is on Burgh Quay facing the Liffey, it's a 3 story place beside the Q Bar and the Heineken sign (right beside O'Connell Bridge). We're on the top floor, that's the 2nd (or 3rd if you're American). Tell the bouncers you're with the party for less hassle.
tags: boards boardsie boardsies
Official Website:
Added by amdsoft on July 17, 2006