Board Leadership 2009 Registration Procedures
Please choose your first and second choice for the 3 sessions before continuing to purchase tickets. Please be aware that there are attendance limits on the sessions and sessions will be closed as they fill up.
During registration,if "N/A" is displayed beside a session title in the drop down menu this indicates that the session is not available and please do not select it as your registration will be invalid.
To pay by check: A the bottom of the Registration page, click show Other Payment Options and select Pay By Check.
Board Leadership 2009 Program Schedule
8:30 a.m
Breakfast, Coffee and Registration
9:00 a.m
Welcoming and Housekeeping
Session 1
9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Developing & Maintaining a Successful Relationship with the Media
A Tool for Board Accountability
SESSION IS FULL Fundraising In Difficult Times
SESSION IS FULL Generative Governance: The New Perspective
So You are the Board Chair Now What?
Board Legal Liability and Duties
10:45 a.m.
Session2 11:00 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m.
SESSION IS FULL Conflict Resolution
(Part I)
SESSION IS FULL Mobilizing All of Your Organizations Volunteer Resources
SESSION IS FULL Advocacy for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Board Recruitment & Succession Planning
So You are the Board Treasurer Now What?
Cultural Diversity& Integration
12:30 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m.
Conversation Caf
Session 3
2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
"Now Youre in the Soup
Conflict Resolution (Part II)
Technology Lab (beginner) - Helpful Technology Tools
SESSION IS FULLBoard Game for Boards
(limit of 24 people)
Strategic Planning:"Planning for a More Certain Future"
SESSION IS FULL Relationship Between Board & Executive Director
Promising Practices Panel: Engagement& Communication
For session descriptions andspeaker biographies go to:
If you have problems registering online please call the Event Coordinator at (780) 497-4780 or email
Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyThe personal information requested on this form is being collected under the authority of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used for the purpose of maintaining records for conference registration, corresponding with you and distributing conference related information. This information will be entered into an electronic database and will be retained for at least one year from the date submitted and then securely deposited. Direct any questions about this collection to Lynda Robertson, Coordinator, Resource Centre for Voluntary Organizations, Grant MacEwan College, Alberta College Campus, #628, 10050 MacDonald Dr., Edmonton, AB., T5J 2B7, (780) 497-5616.
Organized by Resource Centre for Voluntary OrganizationsThe RCVO is the information destination for Albertas nonprofit sector. Since 1987, thousands of individuals and nonprofit organizations have come to us for information, support, advice and tools to better meet the challenges they face. Unique to Alberta, the RCVO provides information and resources related to:
nonprofit organization management,
voluntary sector leadership,
fund development,
volunteer program management,
board leadership and governance, and
voluntary sector issues.
To find out more about what services we offer go to: www.rcvo.org
Board Leadership 2009 is Sponsored By:
Resource Centre for Voluntary Organizations (RCVO), Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton Chamber of VoluntaryOrganizations (ECVO), Alberta's Youth VOLUNTEER! Society, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, Volunteer Edmonton, Volunteer Alberta, Board Development Program - Alberta Culture & Community Spirit, Community Development Branch - Alberta Culture & Community Spirit, City of Edmonton - Neighbourhood & Community and Development Branch.
Ticket Info: Regular Ticket, C$55.30
Official Website: http://boardleadership09-upcoming.eventbrite.com