Welcome to BNI Central Valley's SECOND Annual Business Development Conference! As in 2009 we will feature speakers who will provide you actionable ideas to market and grow YOUR business. It is also a great NETWORKING opportunity to strengthen your business relationships both in and out of BNI.
Our special guest speaker is Congressman Dan Lungren, whose California 3rd District represents 20 BNI CV chapters. He will speak about the importance of business in energizing the economy.
BNI Members $20 ($25 after October 1st)
Non-BNI Members $30 ($35 after October 1st)
You may purchase tickets from a BNI Central Valley director, by calling (916) 489-9302 or securely online at http://bnicv.com/bizfest
8:15 - 9am. Open Networking.
9 - 9:45am. Your choice of:
1. Tim McGinnis & Sean Boyd - Managing your Money should be fun. Tax loopholes and financial strategies to boost your business to the next level!
2. Brian Sharp - The New Wave of Business: Repositioning for Results in a Changing Economy.
3. Brian Bentzen - The 60 Second Networker: 5 Tips to Promoting Your Business.
10 - 10:45am. Your choice of:
1. John Lisle - Social Media 101: Use it ... Or Lose Your Business!
2. Karen Wells - Increase Your Sales by 300%! Know and own your sales process to win in any market.
3. Kitty Good - Smooth Sailing or Swimming with Sharks? Creating a Safe Harbor for your Business.
11 - 11:40am. Congressman Dan Lungren - The Role of Small Business in Stimulating the Economy. followed by Q&A.
11:45am - 12:30pm. Start Up! Shut Down! Fight, Fight, Fight!: Getting into or out of business and everything in between. Come ask our "Starting Lineup" of Experts your most pressing business questions.
A limited number of sponsorships ($250 each) are available to BNI Central Valley members. Please contact the BNI Central Valley office (916) 489-9302 ASAP if you are interested in sponsoring the event.
Official Website: http://bnicentralvalley.com/bizfest_sacramento.pdf
Added by FullCalendar on October 14, 2010