1021 Monterey-Salinas Highway
Salinas, California 93908

It looks like this DE event is open to multiple makes. Registration is $249 for members, $289 for non-members, and closes on Jan 15th.

Details from their website:

* Event cost for this one-day school is $249 for members and $289 for non-members ($289 price includes a 1-year BMW CCA membership).
* Registration closes 1/15/07
* Cancellations assessed a $50 fee before 1/8/07
* No refunds issued after 1/8/07
* Sound limit at Laguna Seca Raceway is 92db at 50 feet -- strictly enforced
* Snell SA2000, M2000, or newer helmets are now required

Official Website: http://www.ggcbmwcca.org/index.php?module=calendar&calendar%5Bview%5D=event&id=211

Added by getluky on January 3, 2007

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