One Seminole Way
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314

BlueGlass FL is an online marketing conference featuring today’s leaders in the Social Media, Search Marketing & Venture Capital industries. BlueGlass combines cutting edge educational seminars where high profile industry experts discuss the latest trends and strategies along with impactful networking events where attendees will build contacts, gain resources and leave with a wealth of knowledge.

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood Florida is the home of BlueGlass FL 2010, which provides the perfect setting for this next generation two day conference where attendees will be treated to innovative seminar topics, complimentary breakfast & lunches, nightly networking events and an intimate forum optimal for building business relationships and exchanging new ideas and technologies that enable longevity in the marketplace.

For details visit or email

Official Website:

Added by mossn2010 on September 15, 2010

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