615 Louisiana
Houston, Texas 77002

The Blue Planet Live! See dramatic ocean video played on a giant screen above the orchestra.
Conductor: Brett Mitchell
When BBC/Discovery filmmakers dove into ocean depths still foreign even to scientists to produce the celebrated documentary series The Blue Planet, they chose George Fenton to create the musical score to match the mysterious world they uncovered. Now Fenton has adapted his Emmy®-winning score into a sweeping symphonic experience. In its Houston premiere, Assistant Conductor/American Conducting Fellow Brett Mitchell will lead the Houston Symphony in a live performance of Fenton’s evocative music while a specially edited theatrical presentation of the series’ most dramatic sequences plays on a giant screen above the Jones Hall stage. (Due to the graphic nature of some film sequences, this concert is recommended for audience members 12 years of age and up.) Contact Gayle McMaster at (713)238-1435 - gayle.mcmaster@houstonsymphony.org. Ask how you can save money on your tickets.

Added by Houston Symphony on May 28, 2009

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