Blue Man Group, the theatrical and musical sensation, will set out once again to play a unique tour entitled, 'How to Be A Megastar 2.0.' The production is not a touring version of the Blue Man Group theatrical productions. It's a rock concert, heavy on percussion. A display of magic and illusion. A critique of modern technology and information overload. The trio send-up and embrace the rules, rituals and raw excitement of that most primal of group experiences: the arena rock concert. After downloading a tongue and cheek "how-to-manual" broadcast for the audience, Blue Man Group is joined by an eight-piece band and takes us through step-by-step and song-by-song, every head-bobbing, fist-pumping moment of a real concert. The result - a uniquely clever, interactive show that, regardless of musical tastes, delivers hypnotic entertainment for all ages!
Added by jlbruno on August 28, 2006