2805 Jones Rd
Walnut Creek, California 94597

Wear your finest jeans and top for this fun dance party! $15/advance (by Oct 21) or $20/door. Adults of all ages welcome. Friday, October 22, 2010, 8pm-Midnight.

LOCATION: Renaissance ClubSportHotel, 2805 Jones Rd, Walnut Creek CA 94597. Located across the street from the Pleasant Hill BART Station. From Hwy 680 take Treat Blvd exit east. Free parking available at Urban West Bldg next to hotel. $10 valet parking at hotel.

CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the worlds largest non-profit singles organization; and Its Just Lunch, the largest matchmaking service for singles.

DISCOUNT AND MORE SINGLES PARTIES at http://www.thepartyhotline.com.

MATCHMAKING at http://www.itsjustlunch.com

TRAVEL with http://www.singlestravelcompany.com

LISTEN FREE TO EXPERTS ON DATING at http://www.singlespodcastingnetwork.com

Official Website: http://www.thepartyhotline.com

Added by richpartyhotline on September 23, 2010