October 14-15, 2011 (Fri.-Sat.) @ 8pm
A Mused Collective invites you to experience a wave of movement, music and emotion in the premiere of BLUE: ebbs and flows, featuring "Unquenchable," an athletic and reflective exploration of our relationship with water, specifically confronting the disparity of safe water access in developing nations through creative use of props and prose. This piece is performed with a West African percussion trio fused with eclectic jazz and techno beats. Then investigate the role of community and love through loss, recovery and death in "French Toast," performed with a vocalist, accompanied by a four-piece classical music ensemble. The dancers utilize a graceful contemporary modern dance vocabulary punctuated by energetic lifts and partnering.
BLUE: ebbs and flows is directed and choreographed by Abby McNally with musical composition by Tony Poeck in collaboration with The Muses. BLUE: ebbs and flows is presented through the CounterPULSE Rental Exchange Program. This non-curated, open access program offers subsidized space and resources, enabling artists to self-produce a wide variety of performances, workshops, and events. For more information about CounterPULSE, please visit www.conterpulse.org.
Official Website: http://counterpulse.org/blue-ebbs-and-flows/
Added by FullCalendar on September 1, 2011