What's Organic About Organic? (2010, 59 min) by director Shelley
Rogers - explores how the "organic" label has evolved, how organic
farmers view their work and the tension between maintaining high
environmental standards and rapid market expansion.
Through the stories of farmers who steward land from Harlem to the
foothills of the Rockies, from upstate New York to Florida, the film
offers audiences a deeper understanding of the complexities involved
in creating a more sustainable food system.
Join us afterwards for an interactive discussion about organic food.
We want to hear about your experiences shopping for organic food. The
mediator for our discussion will be Jeremiah Lowery, a program fellow
at Common Good City Farm. Common Good City Farm is an organization
whose mission is to grow food, educate, and help low-income DC
community members meet their food needs. Their Vision is to serve as a
replicable model of a community-based urban food system.
*Suggested Donation: $10 to support BloomBars. Free Popcorn and
refreshments provided.
BloomScreen Indie Film Night – is a weekly series of independent and
foreign films, accompanied by discussions with filmmakers and other
experts. Our goal is to provide a unique experience that a local
Cineplex cannot – an opportunity for discussion that allows a better
understanding of issues affecting our communities and our world.
3211 11th St NW | Washington, DC | 20010
Official Website: http://www.bloombars.com/garden-of-the-arts/film-digital-arts/bloomscreen-presents-whats-organic-about-organic
Added by dcfilmindieguy on September 19, 2011