3222 11th st NW
Washington, District of Columbia

BloomScreen presents: Harlem's Mart 125: The American Dream (2005, 68 min), Rachelle Salnave Gardner

Tuesday, March 29th // 7:00pm - 9:00pm
$8 - $10 suggested donation, to keep the lights on...

Join us for a screening of "Harlem's Mart 125: The American Dream" - A thought-provoking documentary which analyzes the history of Mart 125 and how it correlates to the "revitalization" of 125th Street, Harlem's main commercial hub. This story chronologically depicts the economic transition from the late 1960's to 125th Street presently. By using Mart 125 and the people behind it, the market is used as a metaphor that examines the effects gentrification will have on the Harlem community. This is a story about a place that was considered a historical symbol, a historical landmark and a window that has revealed a land conquered. This is a story that documents the changing face of the most well known community in the world and its struggle to preserve its culture and legacy. After the screening; we will be joined for discussion, via Skype, by filmmaker Rachelle Salnave Gardner.

RSVP at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160748053983060

Free Popcorn and refreshments will be available to enhance your movie-watching experience.

Official Website: http://www.bloombars.com/

Added by Jonathan B. on March 23, 2011

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