49 N 4th St,
San Jose, California 95112

Blood Drive Hosted by
First Presbyterian Church of San Jose &
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Silicon Valley

Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: Bloodmobile
First Presbyterian Church of San Jose
49 N. Fourth St., San Jose, CA 95112 ~ (between St. John & Santa Clara Avenues)

Please register online at www.bloodheroes.com Click on "Donate Blood" and enter Sponsor Code: FirstPresbyterianSJ to schedule your life saving appointment!
With questions please contact: Pat Plant at pat@sanjosepby.org or 408-279-0220 Or Amin Zain at aminzain@hotmail.com or 408-230-7979

Added by First Presbyterian Church of San on June 2, 2011