The story of an American Woman’s bicycle journey through the heart of the Middle East. Alone.
A solo play written, performed (and lived) by MONICA HUNKEN
Directed by LAURA NEWMAN
Returns to the Living Theatre 21 Clinton St, NYC after a sell-out preview season
September Wed 22nd / Thurs 23rd / Fri 24th / Thurs 30 @ 8pm
October Fri 1st @ 8pm / Sat Oct 2nd @ 8pm / Thurs 7th, Fri 8th, Sat 9th @ 2pm & 8pm
“A performance of passion and politics, humour and hope. Following the true story of Monica Hunken’s courageous voyage, unarmed and unafraid, across hostile territory presents us with a triumph of the soul…”
- Judith Malina, founder of The Living Theatre
Two weeks before Christmas, Monica Hunken flew into the heart of the Persian Gulf to cater at a royal wedding party and ended up biking across the Middle East. This play chronicles the true story of her desert odyssey. Watch the broke, blonde American swerve her bicycle through close encounters with military capture, sex tourism, Gulf royalty and near death. As Hunken perseveres in her adventure as a parade of one, defeating trouble at every turn, indulging her super-hero fetishism, she plays over 20 characters in this 80 minute comedy that brought audiences to their feet every show.
Added by Blondie of Arabia on August 18, 2010