Faneuil Hall Square at Merchants Row
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Who can forget the fun times had at the first Blogstring Pub Crawl back in March? Social media types of all ages gathered to lift a cocktail, socialize, and maybe even belt out a karaoke song or two over the course of a few hours and five different pubs.

Therefore, we figure, much like the Victoria's Secret bra sale, that it ought to be a semi-annual event. And since we can't seem to get these things going when it's actually warm in Boston (ie, summer), we're having it in the fall.

(And if a little team called the Boston Red Sox just happens to be in the playoffs at that time, so be it!)

When: October 25, 2008

Who: Geeks, dweebs, sportos, waistoids, motorheads...All are welcome! Social media enthusiasts especially (Twitterheads?)

Where: Faneuil Hall, Boston MA (we will select the bars soon, I'm suggesting we start at Docksides, keep your eyes here for more info)

What: A Halloweenish social media pub crawl (we're debating whether to require costumes!)

Keep your eyes here for more details (including a contest for coming up with the best clever geeky phrase for the t-shirts)

Added by Sarah Wurrey on August 20, 2008