Who can forget the fun times had at the first Blogstring Pub Crawl back in March? Social media types of all ages gathered to lift a cocktail, socialize, and maybe even belt out a karaoke song or two over the course of a few hours and five different pubs.
Therefore, we figure, much like the Victoria's Secret bra sale, that it ought to be a semi-annual event. And since we can't seem to get these things going when it's actually warm in Boston (ie, summer), we're having it in the fall.
(And if a little team called the Boston Red Sox just happens to be in the playoffs at that time, so be it!)
When: October 25, 2008
Who: Geeks, dweebs, sportos, waistoids, motorheads...All are welcome! Social media enthusiasts especially (Twitterheads?)
Where: Faneuil Hall, Boston MA (we will select the bars soon, I'm suggesting we start at Docksides, keep your eyes here for more info)
What: A Halloweenish social media pub crawl (we're debating whether to require costumes!)
Keep your eyes here for more details (including a contest for coming up with the best clever geeky phrase for the t-shirts)
Added by Sarah Wurrey on August 20, 2008