2nd floor, 87 East Pender Street at Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Blogging for Beginners: a very full four hours, start from scratch and learn to post text, video, audio, and images. Includes intro to basic copyright and blog etiquette, sidebar widgets, categories, custom headers and design, and what on Earth to put IN the blog. Also where to find technical help.

$150 pre-registered participants ONLY, please, and only eight spaces, because it is a very hands-on course. Coffee and pastries supplied!

To register, please pre-pay via the Paypal button in the top right-hand corner of the blog:


Paypal will give you a receipt and I will email you one as well. Please email bloggingclasses AT gmail DOT com in advance to make sure the class is not sold out.

Official Website: http://runningthroughrain.wordpress.com/blogging-for-beginners-from-zero-to-technorati-in-7-hours/

Added by raincoaster on August 12, 2008