This comedy centers on author Charles Condomine, who hires an eccentric medium to perform a seance at his house party in order to find material for an expose he's writing. Unbeknownest to him, she winds up summoning the spirit of his first wife, Elvira, who is out to seek revenge on her former husband.
Added by Upcoming Robot on July 5, 2009
We enjoyed your show on opening night.
Now, I would like to volunteer my services beginning in October.
I am an accompliched seamstress and costumer. Have done some puppets for Disney, Bridal headpieces for Problem Child 2 and countless costumes for the now defunct West Orange Players, in the nineties. Yes, I have an album of accomplishments.
Would love to give you some time and help in the creation of costumes for the upcoming shows.
Annette Welsh,